Rise of The Eropa Kingdom Ace Italic

 "I have born to be Raden", As the prospectus of today Indonesia, but I ware mind return to think other, there crisis else if  else you would know there this the capital world, BAHASA, is the prof of my ancestor alignment of who Yongle the empire where Beijing or the beginning of Hongwu The Master Of Empire in Beijing, else why Rise of the Europa Kingdom Ace Italic it since date record of the Journey on else merchant from italic told the else where of "neval Sinbad, whom i"

It was archive, became dialog to be Arjuna, that china people would should know the Sinbad journey is about else where of until the fall of Mataram kingdom of Raden Hamengkubowono, Raden Mangkubumi, and Raden Pakualam, which riot of become else other today Indonesia!

My Ancestor, are Yongle as the hidden king behind, the sinbad Neval that are from Beijing, our land of that claim is after the Arjuna are is the foreigner, as like yongle hidden  as well the arjuna is were act of whom foreigner that as is hidden whom us. The RoRo Kid Ul, The mind for Ronin Ronin, that kid Universe Landmark, Beijing that why is BAHASA, mind Treaty for form capital of Beijing Assuming Historic Associating Society Alignment, of Mataram The Raden know as Batavia rupiah Crown for help by Europa help build the Yongle New Kingdom alignment for Batavia Or Borneo exchange, Is accident Of whom Sinbad asked for help and held help by foreigner. And They Journal since Ronin Ronin as RORO KIDUL, is alignment beijing king reason them, Historicciniumsiology today else of Korean Kingdom, Japanise Kingdom, and aswell the else land of china is Tang Dynasty, became ming dynasty!!!?

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